Clarice Rose
Clarice Rose
  • Year:
  • Previous College Sports Played:
    Women's Basketball
  • Induction Class:


Induction Class of 2008
Women's Basketball

Clarice Rose - 2008 Athlete

Clarice Rose came to Anderson College in the fall of 1950 from Stoneboro, Pa., to play basketball and softball.

Rose was an athlete at Anderson before women’s sports were officially recognized by the NCAA and NAIA. She also played on the tennis team and organized a city softball team for three years.

She earned her bachelor’s degree from Anderson in 1954 and later added her teaching degree in Pennsylvania.

After graduation, Rose worked for more than 20 years at Youth Camp as the girl’s dean and sports director and wrote the campmeeting nightly newsletter for the Church of God in Pennsylvania. She continued to play tennis weekly until she was 72. She still plays golf.

Rose and her husband, Richard, have three children.