Gertrude Wunsch
Gertrude Wunsch
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Induction Class of 1997
Meritorious Service

Gertrude E. Wunsch - 1997 Meritorius Service

Gertrude E. Wunsch might well be called the "mother" of Anderson University women's athletics. Yet, her campus interests from 1955-91 were directed to all athletes, men and women. In a very special way, she expressed her concern, encouragement and guidance to hundreds of students participating in athletic roles.

In the early years on campus, she coached women's basketball, volleyball, tennis and badminton. With the approach of the 1970s, she concentrated on basketball and tennis and then only tennis in the 1980s. She assumed direction of Bennett Natatorium, where she provided enjoyment for an even wider group of participating faculty, alumni, students, parents and children.

Some of the names she lists as the best basketball players during her tenure were Nancy Beaty Stegelmann, Juanita Wollert Reinhardt and Nancy Hines Steinke. On the tennis courts, she claims Carolyn Rains Dehority, Vicki Graber and Carole Wilson as excellent players. Another name she lists is Cheryl Poore on the volleyball court.

Gertrude Wunsch's invaluable contributions to the Anderson University athletic and academic programs at their broadest points were recognized by the University in 1997 with an honorary doctorate. It also said thank you for a lifelong investment in young people, not only on campus, but in many other sporting settings.

Anderson University is proud to name Gertrude E. Wunsch among its first inductees to the Athletic Hall of Fame.